About The Jewelry


Jewelry created after a lifetime of collecting semi precious stones from all over the globe for the benefit of three nonprofits. Each necklace of The Feeling of Kindness is individually created to convey the kindness and warmth wanting to be spread by its designer, Elisabeth. My jewelry pieces remind me of the past and the future. Each piece is associated with a place or a moment that was very personal for me, something I am passionate about. And it is my hope that the buyer of each piece will make a connection to each person for whose benefit the jewelry was created.


With my passion for and background in Asian art I have a different approach to jewelry design. My pieces attempt to mirror the history and culture and the arts of the communities where I found the stones. Based on my belief that body, mind and spirit must be nourished, the creation of jewelry reinforces a sense of responsibility and special bond between buyers, the people I support, the communities where I found my stones, and myself. Jewelry – personal adornment – plays an important part in our culture – East and West. My necklaces intend to share this beauty and power!


I am committed to support three nonprofits- Hearts for Teachers, Sahar and ROOTS of South Sudan. With the purchase of each The Feeling of Kindness treasure you go beyond collecting a beautiful piece of jewelry. You are giving back to a community in need of our support and kindness. All profits flow directly to one of these nonprofits.


Hearts for Teachers  supports quality education for the marginalized children in rural India through the retention of excellent teachers. Sahar supports girls’ education in Northern Afghanistan in taking a holistic approach by building schools, educational and vocational training programs and early marriage prevention programs. ROOTS of South Sudan trains women to help them towards economic independence, education and health care by creating traditional crafts and bead work. I have followed the work of all three non-profits and their founders for many years.


Elisabeth has been involved with jewelry design, Asian art and antiques, and volunteering her time to nonprofit organizations for most of her adult life. Born in Vienna, Austria, she lived in Thailand and has explored Asian culture for many years before moving to Washington,D.C where she owned The China Coast gallery. She now lives in Austin, Texas with her family to continue with her adventure.